God's Glory and Justice
He Showed Himself Holy Part II 3-16-25
He Showed Himself Holy 3-9-25
Living Water 3-2-25
The Spiritual Rock 2-23-25
Water of Grace 2-16-25
The Opposites of Grumbling 2-9-25
Your Theology of Grumbling 2-2-25
The Theology of the Grumblers 1-19-25
Aaron's Staff Buds Part II 1-12-25
Aaron's Staff Buds 1-5-25
A Time to Reflect - Guest Speaker Stephen Roise 12-29-24
*His Poverty, Our Riches 12-15-24
God's Generous Nature 12-8-24
Timely Atonement 12-1-24
*The Gratitude of Moses 11-24-24
Korah's Agenda, Our Admonition 11-17-24
Motivation from Below or Above? 11-10-24
Eyes for Grace 11-3-24
Numbers 16:15-34 10-27-24
Divinely Empowered Foolishness 10-20-24
The Sufficiency of The Spirit 10-13-24
*The Sufficiency of Christ 9-22-24
Your Glorious Service 9-15-24
If You Love Me 9-8-24
Grace for Miriam is Grace for Me 9-1-24
Meekness 8-25-24
Follow Jesus, Speak Truth 8-18-24
Numbers 14:40-45 8-11-24
Numbers 14:39-45 8-4-24
*Numbers 14:24-35 7-28-24
*Numbers Vs. Acts 7-21-24
The Rebellion 7-14-24
A Vision of Glory 7-7-24
Spared by Grace 6-30-24 .mp3
Effective Prayer : Moses & You 6-23-24 .mp3
Faith In The Enemy 6-16-24 .mp3
Waiting With Noah - Guest Speaker Aaron Thurber 6-9-24 .mp3
Stopped By Glory 5-26-24 .mp3
Sizing Up The Mission 5-19-24 .mp3
Guest Speaker -Aaron Thurber 5-12-24 .mp3
God's Power: Egypt, Canaan & Today 5-5-24 .mp3
The Economy of the Gospel 4-28-24 .mp3
Two Messiahs? 4-21-24 .mp3
An Attitude of Abundance 4-14-24 .mp3
His Word Works! 4-7-24 .mp3
*Are You Hungry? 3-31-24
*The Prayer of Doubt 3-24-24
The King of Justice 3-17-24 .mp3
Gluttony & Glory 3-10-24 .mp3
Principles from the Wilderness 2-25-24 .mp3
The "Mixed Multitude" 2-18-24 .mp3
Prophetic Leadership 2-11-24 .mp3
Glory and Offense 1-28-24 .mp3
Glory and Prophecy 1-21-24 .mp3
Glory in Preparation Part III 1-14-24 .mp3
Glory in Preparation Part II 1-7-24 .mp3
Glory in Preparation Part I 12-31-23 .mp3
Blessings for Obedience 11-26-23 .mp3
In His Name 11-19-23 .mp3
Time with God 11-12-23 .mp3
Your Day of Atonement 11-5-23 .mp3
"Be Holy, for I am Holy" 10-29-23 .mp3
Unauthorized Fire, Authorized Repentance 10-22-23 .mp3
The Promised Land 10-8-23 .mp3
A Church on Mission - Guest Speaker Ray DeLaurier 10-1-23 .mp3
Saved By Grace in a Substitute 9-24-23 .mp3
The Ministry of the Sinful 9-17-23 .mp3
*If you are interested in accessing the sermon notes for the * sermons, please contact the church office 701-647-2793 or computer@kulmcongregational.org
We are happy to connect you to those notes